BMS 75000:2020
January 2020

BMS75000:2020 Cross Reference with European Foundation Quality Management EFQM 2020

BMS75000:2020 Cross Reference Baldrige Framework

BMS75000:2020 Cross Reference ISO9001:2015
BMS75000:2020 Executive Summary

BMS75000:2020 Cross Reference ISO9001:2015
BMS 75000:2020 Business Management Standard
How can organizations measure up to the expectations of their stakeholders?
There are currently No Universally Accepted Standards for Business Management Quality!
Until Now.
The BMS75000:2020 standard promotes the convention of the 5As
Anticipate The identification of risks, opportunities, trends and life cycle stages.
Assess The determination of a quantified and measurable aspect or attribute.
Accommodate The hosting or processing resources needed to accept
Analyse The measurement of the product of the Business Activities
Account The recording and stewardship of the work done.
The Complete Business Management Standard
Whilst there are a number of international management standards addressing the needs and basic requirements for quality, environment, risk, business continuity, social accountability, and safety management, there is no standard for the Management of the Business itself which hosts the techniques and activities to which such standards can be applied
The BMS75000:2020 Business Management Standard provides the means by which strategic decisions can be justified to all stakeholders. The system delivers on the following 7 points
• Shareholder confidence in the management of the business,
• Prepared and proactive management practices,
• Business program employing the latest proven conventions and statistical techniques,
• Sound and transparent decision making,
• Maintaining a Defendable position at all times.
• Sound returns on the investment of the company and its stakeholder
• Directors and Executives can claim due-diligence from personal liability.
This is achieved by setting down basic requirements for measuring the Business Activity and the Quality of Management itself.
By applying the BMS 75000:2020 standard, business activities can be accounted for against planned requirements which can then be controlled, checked and justified when required.
The Business Management Quality Standard is an extensive document consisting of more than 70 pages. There are also additional guides, documented advice and a series of cross-matrix tables to accommodate its use with other recognized international standards which are available free of charge
Organizations of all types and sizes address matters of quality in the goods and services they provide by reference to standards that permit comparison with what is specified and what is produced. The business itself, which facilitates the completion and distribution of its goods and services, hosts these activities but has rarely been subjected to specification or verification outside of the scrutiny of its own shareholder's auditors.
To justify decisions that favour one set of stakeholders to the detriment of others requires an informed and defendable position, traceable to the facts and figures available on the occasion in question, so the decision can be defended at a later stage if required. Its contents are listed as follows:
0.1 General
0.2 Business Process approach
0.3 Relationship with harmonised standards
0.4 Commitment and Inclusion of other management systems
1.0 Scope
2.0 Normative references
3.0 Terms and definitions
4.0 Context of the Business
4.1 Understanding the Company and its Relations
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.3 Business Management System Scope
4.4 Business Management System
5.0 Governance and Commitment
5.1 Commitment
5.2 Business Management Policy
5.3 Company roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.4 Documented Business Management System
6.0 Business Planning
6.1 Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
6.2 Business Objectives and Plans
6.3 Business Continuity
7.0 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence and Capability
7.3 Awareness and Understanding
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented Information
8.0 Business Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and Control
8.1.1 Financial Administration and Accounts
8.1.2 Marketing and Public Relations
8.1.3 Customer Services and Support
8.1.4 Technical Services and Support
8.1.5 Goods and Service Management and Distribution
8.1.6 Process Management and Stewardship
8.1.7 Servicing and After Sales Administration
8.1.8 Goods, Service and Process Configuration Management
8.2 Customer Related Business Activities
8.3 Research and Development of Business Activities
8.4 Design and Selection of Business Activities
8.5 Purchasing Business Activities
8.6 Business Goods and Service Processes
9.0 Business Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
9.1.1 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes
9.1.2 Monitoring and Measurement of Goods and Service
9.1.3 Shareholder Perception Evaluation
9.1.4 Customer Satisfaction and Perception Evaluation
9.1.5 Employee Perception Evaluation
9.1.6 Supplier Perception Evaluation
9.1.7 Stakeholders Perception, Expectations and Satisfaction
9.2 Internal Audit
9.3 Management review
10.0 Business Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and Corrective Action
10.1.1 Non-conformance Identification and Containment
10.1.2 Root Cause Analysis
10.1.3 Corrective Action
10.1.4 Preventive Measures
10.2 Continual Improvement.
A cross-reference table for correlating the clause references of the BMS 75000 2020-1A Business Standard
with the ISO9001:2015 current version is available without charge from Q-Share.
This is a great aid to demonstrate the additional content and subjects covered by the Business Management Standard which are omitted from the ISO9001 Quality Standard.
This table acts as an introduction to the Business Management Standards
subjects and scope for Business Administration and Planning guidance.