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Industries and Standards

Our current client base has been derived from a diverse range of sectors, markets, industries and services due to our policy of only servicing instructions from one company in a given field of operations.


This policy was a measure designed to prevent a conflict of interest with operations that could have been in competition with each other. As a result we have developed an extensive range of systems and procedures for quality assurance in the following areas:


Mechanical Engineering          

Hydraulics and Pneumatics     

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Security Products and Installations                                                                                         

Building Services and                             

Civil Engineering                    

Stockist and Distributors                                                                                                        

Software Programming Developments                    

Hydrographic and Oceanographic Surveys

Vehicle Body Repairs                             

Warehousing and Distribution  

Limousine Fleet Managers      

Metal Finishers and Treatments                                                                                                              

Metal Painting and Sprayers

Tea Blenders and Distributors

Engineering Plastics and Assemblies


The above industries and services have been supplied with advice and documentation required in order to maintain a documented registered accredited system for the following standards:


BMS75000          Business Management 

SA8000                Social Accountability
ISO9001              Quality Management Systems
AS9100                Aerospace Standard Quality Management System

AS9110                Aerospace Standard Quality Systems 

                                Maintenance organizations
AS9120-               Aerospace Standard Quality Stockist
ISO/IEC12207   Systems and software engineering.

                                Software life cycle processes
ISO13485            Medical Devices Industry Quality Management System
ISO14001            Environmental Management Systems
ISO/TS16949      Automotive Industry Quality Management Systems
ISO45000             Occupational Health & Safety
ISO/IEC20000    Information technology – Service management
ISO22301             Business Continuity Specification
ISO26001             Guidance on Social Responsibility
ISO/IEC27001    Information technology Security.

ISO30301             Information and documentation --

                                 Management systems for records

ISO31000             Risk Management

PD6668                  Corporate Governance and Risk Management  




Advice from Q-Share for any organization is strongly recommended before considering the implementation of management standards and programs.

Q-Share International Limited

Shelduck Grove, Spennells, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 4EF, United Kingdom 

Contact: Godfrey Partridge     T: 07496 796 332


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