ISObiz Advice

Q-Share Limited is pleased to assist organizations from any industry or profession to adopt and implement management systems or improve existing ones.
We can attend your company on an agreed basis as your Principle Assigned Authority PAA,
for the purpose of administering your own management system.
During our visits, we will document and complete your policy manual and specified
procedures compatible with your own management operations. They will demonstrate
the importance you place on the quality of your products and services and the contribution
to your customers’ needs and aspirations you can make by controlling such operations.
We will provide training, advice, programs and all documents needed for the implementation
of your management systems which will be assessed and registered by your own selected Certification Body or National Accredited Authority. The Management System we provide
will cover the International Standards appropriate for your business.
The program of work from appointment to assessment can normally be completed
within 6-8 months based on the following proven schedule.
A) Adoption and confirmation of policy manual Month 1-2
B) Review and understanding of current practices Month 2-3
C) Development of administrative procedures Month 2-3
D) Documentation reviewed by NAA Month 3-4
E) Implementation and development of practices Month 3-6
F) Internal training, audits, and preparation for Month 3-6
3rd Party Registration -onwards
Alternatively, just phone, write to or e-mail Q-Share and we shall be pleased
to assist you with any specific queries or concerns you may have regarding
standards, management systems or assessment difficulties.
In addition to the requirements of the international standard, there are specific additional
subjects that need consideration when manufacturing or serving industrial sectors
which are called up in the Sector Scheme Management Standards.
We shall use proven practices, experience in 2nd Party and 3rd Party assessments
in the introduction, development, and improvement of your existing practices in
respect to these issues.
Effective implementation of management standards will ensure each task and
the operation involved in a process identifies with the set requirements and delivers
good quality and competitive service to customers through the commitment of top
management. This continuous improvement culture is driven by reviews, audits, and measurements which we administer to provide greater customer satisfaction, repeat
business and customer referrals, all of which contribute to lower costs and higher
sustainable profits.